Using Social Media and SEO to Attract and Engage the RIGHT Customers

4 min readMay 20, 2022


At this point, I believe it is safe to say that everyone has realized that social media is not a passing trend.

Sadly, SEO does not work this way. I believe most consider SEO to be a largely obsolete service that never had much usefulness. Perhaps the technical language and service providers who resembled used-car salesmen scared them away…

…Or perhaps, just possibly, they never truly grasped what SEO is. Do you?

You can use SEM (paid advertising), SEO (do-it-yourself or paid content optimization and marketing), or both to generate leads through search engines. SEO should be a part of ongoing Online Marketing activities for long-term success, whereas SEM is effective for short-term profits.

SEO is, in reality, a lesser piece of the Inbound Marketing puzzle. When considering SEO as an Inbound Marketing service, the following should be taken into account:

What are your objectives?

What exactly are you selling or offering?

What are your plans for the increased site traffic?

What are your aims for conversion?

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In other words, you need a strategy to design and position your content so that the proper people discover it. You want your material to be not only “excellent,” but also unusual, so that others will share it and even generate buzz. That is the start of viral marketing, but that is a topic for an other conversation!

Forget the excessive traffic, mass marketing, and noise production.

Traditional marketing is typically only effective for large firms with substantial resources. Even then, they are fortunate to achieve a one percent conversion rate. This indicates that 99 out of 100 recipients of a communication either do not listen or do not care.

That’s not that engaging, I’d say.

As a result, I advise you not to worry that your young website does not receive thousands or millions of unique visitors per month or ranks at the top of Google search results. That will occur if you do the correct things.

According to Seth Godin, little is the new big. Concentrate on small markets and individuals. By doing so, you will gain devoted followers who will become brand ambassadors and help you in any manner possible. Otherwise, you may have a great deal of visitors, but no one will take action, and your bounce rate will continue to rise.

How exactly do you attract and engage?

Analyzing SEO keywords might help you determine which linked queries are popular. You can then use Google Set or an analogous tool to discover tangential themes and related search terms. The beginnings of a primary keyword list have been compiled.

Expand upon the short, more broad keywords on this list. Add qualifiers that highlight precisely what is unique about your offering. Also consider branding the searches. As you grow your audience, brand recognition and brand-related searches will increase.

Keyword analysis requires significantly more effort than that. You will need to bridge the gap between what your site analytics now reveal and your intended audience. In simpler terms, you need to analyze which search terms are presently generating organic traffic and determine how you may expand on it based on your research.

If you intend to remain competitive, keyword research and SEO as a whole require a continuous effort.

Now that you have this information, examine your content to determine how you might optimize it to appeal to your intended audience. Keyword density is less significant than it once was, but search engines still priorities consistency with underlying themes and associated debates. This aids in establishing your authority inside a particular sector or genre.

Once you have attracted visitors to your website, ensure they are landing on the correct pages…

Focus on your greatest content when building links!

In a perfect world, you could employ greeters to monitor your site analytics and “touch” every lead who sees your online content, but this is simply not possible. Consequently, link-building strategies should emphasize the most appealing, relevant, and actionable content.

The formula for engaging customers is not a science; it is an art. However, consider the factors that made you feel like a VIP when interacting with a firm. The odds are…

They made you feel comfortable.

They spoke less than they listened.

They provided you just two or three possibilities to avoid overwhelming you with options.

They requested your support/business without exerting excessive pressure.

Therefore, as an Inbound Marketer, you should be the type of alluring individual who makes others feel unique and who shares something of REAL, not perceived or fabricated, worth.

As stated in Scott Stratten’s rousing call to action, “Stop marketing and start engaging!”

Develop relationships. Begin by actively listening, comprehending, and empathizing.

Social media is incredible. It allows us connect with people and great material faster than ever before. When we move into a Web 3.0 future where the user controls the experience, we must be cognizant of one thing:

Social Media is intended to be social.

Respect others online, people. Consider what you would do offline in polite company. Consider your leads and site visitors as house guests.

Being social shifts the emphasis from selling to relationship development.

With the potent combination of SEO for the benefits of content development, market research, and actionable traffic analysis AND the efforts of engaging via Social Media, you can organically grow your audience by meeting new people, assisting them, and sharing useful and/or entertaining information….

What was that?

They will eventually bring the sales to you without your asking. Because they enjoy your company.

Are you ready for a web that is TRULY social?

Then, I advise you to visit and read my guest blog post titled “The Adaptive SEO Approach” to understand how to restore warmth back to online business. Earn a living by assisting people and delivering genuine value. Yes, it is achievable!

